Some of the best young hockey talent in Saskatchewan, including many area players, took centre stage last weekend as Dalmeny and Aberdeen hosted SaskFirst Regional  Camps from February 2-4.

Dalmeny hosted the Female Under-16 North Camp while the South Camp was in Pense. 

  The Female Sask First High Performance Program begins every February with regional camps held across the province. They are open to all players in the U16 division.

From there, the top players are invited to take place in the Sask First Tournament held in Regina April 5-7. 

Team White and Team Black battling it out during a 45 minute scrimmage game at Dalmeny Arena on Saturday, February 3

Additionally, the Female Under-18 provincial camp was held in Southey last weekend, with their Sask First Tournament in  Balgonie April 12-14 .

Aberdeen hosted the Male Under 18 camp for athletes in Zones 5-8 (North). Lumsden hosted players from Zones 1-4 (South).

The U18 male camps are intended to recognize the talent and abilities of those players playing below the U18 “AAA” level.

The Sask First Under-18 Program is an excellent opportunity for players to showcase their talent and abilities in front of many scouts from the SJHL and WHL. Players selected to progress from these camps will be selected to compete in the U18 Tournament on April 12-14 in Regina.

The Sask First Program was designed to provide a better understanding of the game as well as to promote the development of quality players, coaches, trainers, officials and administrators.

The camps also provide a great learning experience for on-ice officials.

Female Officials ages 15 and older were given a chance to  officiate the U18 Female Provincial Camp and/or U16 Female Regional Camps in February.

Officials received coaching and evaluation from official coaches and high-level female officials at the camps, which gives them an opportunity to receive additional coaching to help with their development and get exposed to high level hockey in a controlled environment.

Male officials looking to receive high-performance coaching were encouraged to register to work one of two U18 Regional camps. This camp provides the opportunity for officials to work in both referee and linesperson roles and receive feedback from an officials coach.