Trevor Peterson is seeking a third term on Warman City Council.
First elected in 2012 and returned to the council table in the 2016 municipal election, Peterson said he believes the city is on the right track.
“I feel that Warman has had relatively very few big issues during my time on City Council,” said Peterson in an e-mail to the Gazette.
“Our city’s economy and business growth have been outstanding, despite the downturn in the provincial economy. New businesses are opening all the time with steady commercial building occurring. This means that there are new jobs in Warman all the time, which in turn is contributing to our population growth.”
Peterson said the city infrastructure is being managed well.
“Our streets are being maintained every year without any major road failures,” he said, adding the new overpass at Highways 305 and 11 has significantly increased safety when coming into Warman.
Peterson said he’s pleased to see grant funding from senior levels of government come through for the city’s sewage lagoon upgrades.
“For regulatory reasons we needed to undergo these upgrades; and having provincial and federal funding ensures we can get this project going faster than if we had to do it on our own,” he said.
“When this project is completed it will mean we will be meeting environmental regulations and it should allow for continued development for many years.”
Peterson said Warman’s recreation department provides “outstanding” programs for people of all ages.
“One thing that I would really like to see is the higher levels of government invest in our second ice surface for the Legends Center,” said Peterson.
“As our population grows the need for that ice surface grows with it. Considering that the Legends Center itself didn’t receive any funding it would be nice to see this project receive some funding so that the Warman tax payers don’t have to bear the full burden. This is one area I don’t think we are done with yet and I will continue to push forward on it.”
Peterson said in addition to pressing for the completion of the second ice surface at the Legends Centre, he’s committed to work for continued business growth and completion of a new civic public works yard.
At the same time, he added, he wants to keep future property tax increases at or below the rate of inflation.