Kimberly MacLean

Kimberly MacLean has been acclaimed as the new Prairie Spirit School Division (PSSD) Trustee for Subdivision 9 – City of Martensville. Her election by acclamaion was announced by Prairie Spirit’s Returning Officer on November 10.

MacLean joined the Prairie Spirit Board of Education on November 23 for her first meeting as a Trustee.

“I am excited to join the Board of Education as a Trustee for the City of Martensville,” MacLean said. “As a parent of two young children, I am interested in supporting the education system to ensure our students have every opportunity to learn.”

MacLean was a Non-Commissioned Member in the Canadian Navy for 16 years and has travelled extensively throughout the world with her work and also with her family.

“On behalf of the Prairie Spirit Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Kimberly and welcome her to the Board,” said PSSD Board Chair Bernie Howe. “We look forward to working together to serve the students and staff of Prairie Spirit School Division.”

The former Trustee for the City of Martensville resigned at the end of August. A by-election had been scheduled for December 13, but is no longer required. The next general election for school boards across the province will be held next fall.

Prairie Spirit Board holds organizational meeting

Bernie Howe

The Prairie Spirit Board of Education held its annual organizational meeting on November 23, and elected its Chair and Vice-Chair for the upcoming year. Bernie Howe will serve another year-long term as Chair, with Kate Kading continuing to serve as Vice-Chair. As part of the organizational meeting, all Prairie Spirit Trustees were assigned to a variety of roles on Board Commitees for 2023/24.

Bernie Howe, Board Chair, has served as a Board of Education Trustee since 1991, representing Delisle, Vanscoy, Perdue, Pike Lake and Willow Park Huterite Colony in Subdivision 6. This is Bernie’s fourth consecutive term as Prairie Spirit Board Chair.

“Our Board is unified in our focus on student learning and supports that encourage classroom success and overall well-being. Our strategic plan and vision for the future brings innovation in education and strong collaboration with families,” Howe said.

Kate Kading

Kate Kading, Board Vice-Chair, has served as a Trustee for Subdivision 2 since Board elections in 2020, representing Duck Lake, Hague and Rosthern. This is her third term as the Board’s Vice-Chair.

“I’m honoured to again be working beside Bernie Howe and be part of a Board that keeps students at the centre of the decisions we make,” Kading said. “We’re going into this year strong and I’m looking forward to what’s ahead in education.”

Provincial leadership

Kimberly Greyeyes, Prairie Spirit Trustee representing Muskeg Lake Cree Nation (Subdivision 11), continues her term leading the Indigenous Constituency at the Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA).

In this role, she sits on the SSBA’s provincial executive and is the first Indigenous woman to be part of this leadership team. She was first elected to this position in 2019.

“I look forward to continuing to lead and support the very important work underway to advance Truth and Reconciliation in education for the benefit of all Saskatchewan students,” Greyeyes said.

Prairie Spirit School Division serves 12,000 students in 46 schools and 28 communities surrounding the City of Saskatoon.