Martensville City Council adopted a resolution at its meeting on Tuesday, January 17 to waive rental fees at certain civic facilities for the non-profit Martensville Youth Connection (MYC) in the coming year.
The decision by council is aimed at providing space for the youth group to continue its programming for the 2023 calendar year.
The MYC began in 2021 and is a program dedicated to providing barrier-free mental health support to youth.
The MYC had earlier requested the use of rooms at the North Ridge Centennial Community Centre on Mondays, at Valley Manor School on Wednesdays, the Martensville Athletic Pavilion on Thursdays and Venture Heights School on Fridays. The group utilizes space at a private business on Tuesdays.
During discussion at the January 17 council meeting, several councillors noted that while they support the goals of the MYC, they want to ensure there is accountability and transparency with regard to the group’s activities.
The city’s recreation and community services department staff responded that the group will need to comply with all the city’s standard rental agreement conditions. The city will review the rental waiver agreement prior to the end of this calendar year.
Council also voted at its January 17 meeting to approve funds from the 2022 civic budget to purchase a new pump for the Kinsmen Park pond. The pump was installed last fall prior to freeze-up; however, the actual capital purchase was part of the city’s 2023 budget. Funds for the pump will be drawn from the 2022 budget surplus. The pump is used to provide irrigation to the park and sports fields.
Work is currently underway on the design of a temporary pedestrian walkway on the Highway 12 overpass.
In a report tabled at the January 17 council meeting, Martensville city administration officials noted they are currently in discussions with Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure representatives to establish the criteria and design of the walkway.
Pedestrian connectivity to the west side of Highway 12 is expected to be a high priority in the coming years, particularly once construction begins on the new Martensville multi-purpose recreation facility in the Trilogy Ranch subdivision.
The city’s public works department is making good progress clearing streets and hauling snow, according to a report tabled at the January 17 council meeting. As of January 12, all Priority 1 and 2 streets have been hauled and approximately 75% of Priority 3 streets have been completed. City crews are on pace to have all Priority 3 streets done by January 23.