Warman public works crews won’t have to worry about whether the graders and sanding trucks will start during next winter’s cold snaps.
Warman City Council voted at its meeting March 28 to invest $59,350 for upgrades to the electrical power supply at the city’s public works shop on North Railway Street.
Warman Public Works and Utilities Manager Jason Wiebe told councillors at the meeting that the current power supply is inadequate.
“We’re in desperate need of electrical modifications to our current facility,” said Wiebe. “For example, current available power supply limits the amount of block heaters and tools we can plug in.
“This has become a real challenge during cold weather as the majority of our transport vehicles, including gravel trucks and sanders, sit outside in -40 degree Celsius weather with no option to plug in block heaters.
“This is very hard on equipment and causes delays.”
Wiebe recommended the facility’s current power supply, sub-panels, circuits and receptacles all be upgraded to 400-amp, three-phase power before next winter. Upgrades could also include new LED lighting, which would provide better illumination at lower cost.
While the city has long-term plans to build a larger, high-capacity public works shop at a new, as-yet undetermined location sometime in the next ten years, Wiebe said upgrading the current facility’s electrical supply is a good investment both in the short term and long term.
“These upgrades would increase the value of this property,” he noted. “If and when the public works department moves to a new location, the shop could be used by the city’s recreation and community services department for storage and maintenance of its equipment and vehicles.”
Warman City Council voted at its March 28 meeting to adopt a revised purchasing policy for the city that includes protocols for both Indigenous Procurement and Local Preference suppliers. The policy is slated to be reviewed by council in six months.
The policy is aimed at ensuring the city complies with applicable provincial and federal legislation; maintains an open, fair and transparent competitive bidding system; and affords equal access to all qualified bidders while achieving the best value for the citizens of Warman.