Mom and little girl daughter are at home and use a video call to receive medical care online

The Government of Saskatchewan is seeking feedback from patients and health care providers on their experiences with virtual care.

Saskatchewan quickly adopted new methods to safely connect patients to their doctor or another health care provider two years ago without stepping out their door, through virtual care.

“Saskatchewan patients have now had millions of virtual medical appointments to directly connect with their health care providers during the pandemic,” Health Minister Paul Merriman said. “Virtual care can be as simple as a telephone call, text or email but can also be a video visit with a member of your health care team.

“We want to hear what both patients and health care workers have to say about their experience. And if you haven’t used virtual care, we’d like to hear about that too.  I encourage everyone to participate as we work to shape the future of virtual care.”

The information gathered will be used to develop a long-term provincial strategy around virtual care. The province is also seeking input from health system partners and other affected organizations on their experience using virtual care over the last two years.

Please visit to participate. There are several ways to provide input, such as voting in polls, completing a survey, and sharing a story or idea. Participation opportunities will be open until April 30, 2022.

If you require an alternate method of participation, please contact us at 306-787-6750 or email us at