The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is calling on the provincial government to amend the ATV Act to require all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) to be registered, licensed, and to display a visible license plate at all times, similar to snowmobiles.
Delegates to the SARM online midterm convention November 9 voted in favour of a resolution to that effect put forward by the RM of Duck Lake.
The resolution also includes Utility Terrain Vehicles or Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs), which are similar but are designed for work rather than recreation.
The current ATV Act outlines regulations for the operation of ATVs, but does not require licenses and registration. This makes it difficult for police to enforce the legislation.
Roads in the RM of Duck Lake are continually being damaged by ATV and UTV drivers racing and burning doughnuts. Not only is the gravel surface ripped up, but the clap cap is also damaged. The structural integrity of the road is compromised, putting motorists at risk and adding to repair costs for ratepayers.
SARM President Ray Orb said the problem is not limited to the RM of Duck Lake.
“It’s a province-wide problem,” he said. “So far the province has not seen fit to license ATVs, but we’re hoping they have a second look at it. It’s adversely affecting rural areas, and resort communities in particular.”