The City of Martensville delivered a heartfelt tribute to Canada’s veterans on Wednesday, November 11.

A sign designating the green space in front of Martensville City Hall as ‘Veterans Square’ was unveiled on Remembrance Day. The area was formerly known as ‘City Square’. A request to re-name the park was approved by Martensville City Council earlier this fall.

Martensville Mayor Kent Muench said it’s important to have a place where residents and visitors can pay tribute to veterans.

“Martensville is a little different than most Saskatchewan communities that grew up around grain elevators and railway tracks,” said Muench during the unveiling ceremony. “This community is newer and it doesn’t have a traditional memorial to World War I and World War II veterans. But there is a natural desire among residents to have a space where we can recognize our veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces. This park is the result of a grassroots initiative and it will serve as a visible, daily reminder of the sacrifice and service of our veterans.”

Martensville Deputy Fire Chief Dean Brooman and Martensville firefighter Brendan Clancy unveiled the sign. Clancy is a veteran of the Canadian military who served in Afghanistan.

Brooman chaired a committee which requested the name change for the park. He said council’s endorsement of the proposal was gratifying.

“This is a very special Remembrance Day for me,” said Brooman. “I stand before you as a grandson of a World War I veteran who fought at Vimy Ridge; the son of a veteran who fought in World War II, and a nephew of two uncles who served with UN peacekeeping missions around the world.

“The concept of an area dedicated to the memory of veterans is not a new one,” said Brooman. “Many residents have expressed their desire to see something special in Martensville where they can show their respects.”

Brooman acknowledged the support of Martensville RCMP Sergeant Curtis Little and others for the Veterans Square initiative.

“Our goal was to create an area in Martensville that will allow people to stop and reflect on those who served so that we could enjoy the freedom we have today,” he said. “We will always remember their service.”

Newly-elected Martensville-Warman MLA Terry Jenson noted the initiative comes at an appropriate time.

“This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War,” said Jenson. “This is a fitting tribute which will live on in the history of Martensville. I hope everyone gets a chance to stop by and take a look at it, and remembers the sacrifice of veterans.”

Carton  Trail-Eagle Creek MP Kelly Block said the sign will serve as a “meaningful reminder to keep the faith” and “remember those who made such a tremendous sacrifice so that we could live in a  country where freedom, democracy and the rule of law prevail.”

Duck Lake Legion branch member Denis Poirier, who along with his wife Rachelle coordinate poppy sales in Martensville, said he is happy to see the tribute to veterans. He noted this year also marks the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Duck Lake Legion branch, one of the last in the area.