One case from September 27 with the location pending has been assigned to the Regina zone.
Of the 1,892 reported cases, 149 are considered active. A total of 1,719 people have recovered.
Eight people are in hospital. Eight people are receiving inpatient care; seven of those are in Saskatoon, one is in Regina.
Of the 1,892 cases in the province to date:
• 280 cases are travellers;
• 938 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
• 544 have no known exposures; and
• 130 are under investigation by local public health.
Overall in Saskatchewan to date:
• 72 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
• 324 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
• 618 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 582 are in the 40-59 age range; 306 are in the 60-79 age range; and 62 are in the 80-plus range.
• 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
• 24 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.
• There are:
o 441 cases are from the south area (222 south west, 200 south central, 19 south east)
o 385 cases are from the Saskatoon area
o 359 cases are from the far north area (350 far north west, 0 far north central, 9 far north east)
o 276 cases are from the north area (132 north west, 77 north central, 67 north east)
o 255 cases are from the central area (175 central west, 80 central east)
o 176 cases are from the Regina area
To date, 188,068 COVID-19 tests have been performed in Saskatchewan. As of September 26, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers are available from Public Health Agency of Canada, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 131,995 people tested per million population. The national rate was 189,355 people tested per million population.
Yesterday, 2,236 COVID-19 tests were performed in Saskatchewan.
Yorkton Outbreaks
Public health continues to investigate recent cases in Yorkton. Initial findings suggest that most recent cases may share a common source of exposure at a local fitness facility. As in all parts of Saskatchewan, Yorkton residents or individuals who have visited the area should remain vigilant and follow all public health advice.
Outbreaks have been declared at Yorkton Regional High School, Pumphouse Athletic Club and Yorkton Regional Health Centre.
The Saskatchewan Health Authority has issued public safety alerts regarding the outbreaks in Yorkton, and will continue to do so based on any potential risk to the general public.
Information on outbreaks is available here: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/latest-updates#covid-19-outbreaks-in-saskatchewan.
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 testing is available to anyone who requests it. A referral for testing can be made by contacting HealthLine 811, your physician or nurse practitioner. If you require urgent care, call 911.
Priority testing is available for those who are symptomatic, health care workers and first responders, teachers and school staff.
If you are asymptomatic and planning to travel but require a test, please allow a minimum of seven days from the date of your test through to notification of results. You can also view your results directly on MySaskHealthRecord. Drive-through testing sites that do not require a referral are operating in Regina and Saskatoon. This is in addition to the testing and assessment centres currently open.
Regina – International Trade Centre at Evraz Place – Hall C, 1700 Elphinstone Street
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturdays – 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saskatoon – 3630 Thatcher Avenue
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – 12 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays – 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
A valid Saskatchewan Health Card will be required for each person getting tested. A Canadian Armed Forces number or Interim Federal Health identification will also be accepted. Individuals from out of province will require a valid provincial health card from their province of residence.
You will be required to wear a mask during the registration process.
The drive-thru sites will be first come, first served so there may be some wait times. You must wait in your vehicle. There are no public washrooms available at these sites.
General COVID-19 Information
General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health.gov.sk.ca.
Find the most up-to-date version of the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan at www.saskatchewan.ca/re-open.