The Saskatche​​​wan Health Authority (SHA) is advising of a cluster of COVID-19 cases in Lloydminster linked to Lloydminster Hospital.

Th​irteen cases have been identified, including five health care workers and eight patients, and transmission has occurred in the hospital setting.

As of April 29, 20​​20, the patients are being cohorted in separate units in the hospital. COVID-19 patients will continue to be admitted to Lloydminster Hospital. Non-COVID-19 patients requiring admission may be diverted to another hospital. Key emergency department, emergency surgical and obstetrical services remain available at Lloydminster Hospital. That is subject to change based on the ongoing risk assessment by public health.

All health care ​​workers who have been identified as close contacts with a confirmed case are being tested as the contact investigation continues.

Visitor restri​​ctions are in effect for Lloydminster Hospital as they are for all Saskatchewan health facilities.

The heal​th and safety of our patients and the employees who care for them is of utmost importance to the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and keeping the people we serve and our employees and physicians healthy and safe is paramount to the work we do each and every day.

The public is re​​minded that during the COVID-19 outbreak, please take precautions to protect yourself, your families and everyone who lives in the community. COVID-19 is present in Saskatchewan and Alberta and we all have a responsibility to minimize the spread of the disease.

Social dist​ancing is physical distancing and something that everyone needs to be doing to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

​ ​It’s also impo​rtant for everyone to follow the guidelines for hand washing, social distancing and self-isolating shared by provincial and municipal governments to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus and protect our most vulnerable populations. Together we can make a positive difference in our community by reducing the spread.