The Prairie Spirit School Division has scheduled a by-election for Wednesday, March 19 in order to fill the Subdivision 3 (Borden and Langham) seat, which was left vacant after the previously-elected trustee stepped away from the role.
Nominations for the Subdivision 3 seat open on January 22 and close on February 12.
Those interested in potentially running for the position can find out more information about how to do so through the Prairie Spirit website at:
Prior to the Nov. 13 election, the Subdivision 3 seat had also been vacant, though three candidates had put their name forward to fill the vacancy.
The victor, Melissa Hosegood, received a total of 119 votes to win the election. Two other challengers received 114 and 22 votes respectively.
There are a total of 11 subdivisions represented by the Prairie Spirit board of trustees, which oversees and governs the work of the school division.