The speed limit for Beam Road near the BizHub industrial park is being lowered from 80 to 60 km/hr

The speed limit on Beam Road from Highway 16 west to the intersection with Range Road 3060 is being lowered from 80 to 60 kilometers per hour.

The change was one of three speed limit adjustments approved by Corman Park council at its meeting on Monday, April 22.

The other two changes include:

* lowering the speed limit from 80 to 60 kilometers per hour on Range Road 3060 from its intersection with Beam Road north for a distance of 800 meters;

* increasing the speed limit from 80 to 90 kilometers per hour on Township Road 374 from the Dalmeny Grid (Highway 684) west to Range Road 3070.

All three speed limit adjustments were supported by the Corman Park Police Chief.

According to a background report prepared by the Corman Park administration for the April 22 council meeting, the growing volume of traffic, including a marked increase in large trucks, on the 2.1 kilometer section of Beam Road near the BizHub industrial park is the major reason for lowering the speed limit.

The report cited a 2020 traffic count study which showed a daily average of 3,010 vehicles  including 712 heavy trucks, along that stretch of road.

There are five access roads that connect to this section of Beam Road, including two access roads directly across from each other at a point about 600 meters west of Highway 16. The intersection of Beam Road with the two access roads handles a significant amount of traffic at peak times.

The report notes that the majority of loaded trucks that turn onto Beam Road from Highway 16 are unable to accelerate to the posted speed limit of 80 kilometers per hour before turning onto one of the access roads. Retaining the lower speed limit of 60 kilometers per hour along the gravelled curve section of Beam Road to the intersection with Range Road 3060 is also aimed at improving safety.

A reduction in the speed limit from 80 to 60 kilometers per hour for an 800 meter section of Range Road 3060 west of the BizHub development reflects the high volume of truck traffic using the road.

“Similar to Beam Road, the majority of trucks turning onto Range Road 3060 likely would not be able to accelerate to the posted speed limit of 80 km/h before turning off into one of the access roads” leading into Biz Hub, stated the administration report.

The decision by council to approve an increase in the posted speed limit for a 6.5 kilometer (4 mile) section of Township Road 374 west of the Dalmeny Grid from 80 to 90 kilometers per hour was prompted by the recent upgrade to the road, which is straight and has few access points.

“This section of Township Road 374 was recently paved in 2022,” stated the administration report. “The section immediately east of this section of Township Road 374, from the intersection of Dalmeny Grid to Range Road 3060, currently has a posted speed limit of 90 kilometers per hour.”

A 2020 traffic count for Township Road 374 between the Dalmeny Grid and Range Road 3060 revealed an average of 2,000 vehicles per day, with 180 of those being heavy trucks.

New signage reflecting the changes to speed limits will be erected this spring.