Four-year-old Fletcher Hobbins of Martensville is slated to undergo neurosurgery March 13 in Toronto (Photo submitted)

A U9 hockey tournament slated for Rosthern March 25 and 26 aims to raise money for ongoing medical treatments of a Martensville boy born with a rare brain injury.

The event, dubbed the ‘Fletcher Cup’ in honour of  four-year-old Fletcher Hobbins, will help cover the cost of travel and accommodation for the youngster and his mother, Ashley, while they are in Toronto where the boy is scheduled to undergo deep brain stimulation neurosurgery on March 13.

Fletcher was born with Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), a rare condition that can affect fetuses or newborns.

The disorder is caused by a lack of oxygen or blood flow to the periventricular area of the brain; thereby disrupting the flow of messages along nerve fibres from the brain to the body’s muscles. Babies with PVL generally have no outward signs or symptoms of the disorder, but they are at risk for: motor disorders, delayed cognitive development, coordination problems, as well as vision and hearing impairments.

The outlook for individuals with PVL depends upon the severity of the brain damage. Some children exhibit fairly mild symptoms, while others experience significant disabilities.

Fletcher Cup tournament organizer Travis Sorenson of Martensville said he’s optimistic the surgery slated for March 13 will improve the youngster’s quality of life.

“Fletcher is a wonderful four-year-old who is nearing his fifth birthday,” said Sorenson. “Fletcher can be seen at the local rink cheering on his older brother Grady. Fletcher’s dad, Tyson, is an amazing coach with the Martensville U9B Bandits.

“We are hoping for support from the community toward this tournament so we can help the family cover expenses. Fletcher and his mother will have to stay in Toronto for several weeks while Fletcher undergoes treatment at the Children’s Hospital there.”

Sorenson said support in the form of donations, sponsorship, and volunteers is welcome. To offer support, contact or phone 1-306-716-4289.

“We’re also encouraging people to come out and be spectators to cheer on the young players in support of a good cause,” he said, adding the upcoming tournament is planned as the first of many annual events.

“We’ve got twelve teams registered,” said Sorenson. “Every team that was contacted agreed to come when they learned that it was a fundraiser for Fletcher.”