Students, contract workers and volunteers in the province will now be protected against harassment including sexual harassment while in the workplace.

Legislation will come into force on January 1, 2022, that clarifies that the definition of harassment includes any unwelcome action of a sexual nature. In addition, independent contractors, students and volunteers will be included in the definition of workers protected from any form of harassment.

“This legislation will ensure that contract workers, students and volunteers can go to their jobs without concerns about being exposed to harassment,” Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan said. “We want to protect all workers from harassment and create safe, healthy workplaces.”

Additional amendments to The Saskatchewan Employment Act include:

* removing the requirement for the Labour Relations Board to exclude supervisory employees from the same bargaining unit as those they supervise unless the employer and union have entered an irrevocable election. Instead, the board will be given authority to determine the appropriate bargaining unit, which may include a unit comprised only of supervisors. Transition provisions have been included which authorize the board to hear applications from employers or unions to amend existing certification orders which exclude supervisors from the bargaining units; and

* providing protection for public and private sector employers that comply with the new COVID-19 vaccination regulations that provides employees with the choice of showing evidence of being fully vaccinated or evidence of a negative COVID-19 test at least every seven days.