A Great Plains College (GPC) Warman campus course designed to help new entrepreneurs improve their English-language communication skills is  filled to capacity this fall.

The English-based Business Class was first offered last spring as a pilot project spearheaded by GPC and the

Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce (PSCC).

According to PSCC Executive Director Debbie Brown, the course was well-received by participants, prompting the college to offer it again during the fall term.

“It’s designed for those in business so they can improve their English,” said Brown. “It’s a local initiative making a big difference.”

Over the past couple years, the PSCC and City of Warman have sought to help new businesses setting up under the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) Entrepreneur category improve their chances of success. In a survey in early 2021, the PSCC found that many new SINP entrepreneurs from outside Canada who established businesses in Warman had difficulty communicating effectively with customers.

In April, 2021, Warman Mayor Gary Philipchuk and PSCC Chair Jaime Holowaty wrote a letter to Minister of Immigration and Career Training Jeremy Harrison recommending the province implement a higher level of English proficiency for entrepreneurs enrolled in the program. Harrison later responded positively to the recommendation, suggesting the province will incorporate changes to the SINP program in the near future.

Meanwhile, the English-language class at GPC is providing immediate practical assistance to entrepreneurs.

“The capacity of the class is 20 students,” said Brown. “We had so many applications we had to turn some away. Many of the students come in couples, and it seems to be working out really well so far. We hope to continue the class because it’s a benefit not just for the business people, but also to their customers and the community as a whole.”

Brown said there are many recently established businesses in Warman that are not well-known.

“We have a lot of hidden treasures here,” said Brown. “There is a whole section of nice little businesses including an auto-detailing shop, a dog groomer and daycare business, a bookstore, and many others located in the south industrial area on Steves Street.

“The location is a little further away right now but that area will fill in as Warman continues to grow.”

While the business-based English language class is new to Warman, GPC has been offering English Language Training classes for many years at several campuses including Swift Current, Kindersley and Rosetown. The GPC courses aim to improve new immigrants’ language skills, enabling them to participate more full in their community.

Full information on the GPC English-language courses can be found online at www.greatplainscollege.ca .