The next step in the creation of the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) Planning District has begun, as recruitment for joint members on the P4G District Planning Commission kicked off this month.
The P4G District Planning Commission is scheduled to be established in January 2022 and its purpose it to make recommendations on land use planning in the new P4G Planning District to municipal Councils.
Ministerial approval from the provincial government is still required on the P4G Planning District, however in order to be ready for a potential January 1 start date, the planning, recruitment and training of commission members must begin.
The P4G District Planning Commission will consist of representatives of the R.M. of Corman Park, the City of Martensville, the Town of Osler, the City of Saskatoon, and the City of Warman.
The P4G District Planning Commission membership consists of 13 members: two members appointed by each of the municipal Councils, at least one of whom must be an elected Council member, and three jointly appointed members.
Corman Park Planning and Development Director Rebecca Row said recruitment for joint members P4G District Planning Commission is the focus right now.
“We are looking for individuals looking to serve as joint members on the new P4G District Planning Commission which is an exciting opportunity to get involved in municipal government and learn more about our regional planning and development process.”
Joint members will be appointed for three-year terms, commencing January 1 and concluding December 31. Members are eligible to be re-appointed for a maximum of three, three-year terms. Meetings are scheduled once per month with lunch provided, and the joint members will receive remuneration.
Corman Park resident Charlene Dalen-Brown is on the current Saskatoon-Corman Park District Planning Commission. “As a member of the public who lived in the R.M., the biggest eye-opener for me was to see how the federal provincial and municipal governments many requirements have to be aligned to guide decisions that shape the R.M.’s future strategy. While it was interesting to see the big picture, my biggest considerations in making my decision on the recommendation was how it would affect the people living in Corman Park.”
Row reminds people that applicants are encouraged to emphasize similar or related subject matter in their application.
“It’s important that people highlight any current and past involvement on boards, commissions, special interest groups or organizations that they think is relevant to the P4G District Planning Commission. We want to hear from people why they think they should be selected as a joint member. Each person has a unique background, education, training and life experiences that are valuable for consideration and we want to hear about that in your application.”
However she reminds people that preference will be given to applicants who do not currently represent a special interest group.
To be considered as an applicant for a jointly appointed member, applicants must:
• reside in or own land within the boundaries of one of the five municipalities;
• express interest and demonstrated understanding of the subject matter;
• be able to commit time to prepare for and attend meetings; and
• not be practicing realtors or land developers, or actively engage in a related profession (e.g. planning consultant, civil engineering consultant, land surveyor)
Dalen Brown acknowledges that while there was a time commitment she found it to be a worthwhile experience. “For me the time commitment consisted of 5-10 hours of reviewing the meeting agenda prior to the meeting. We typically didn’t have a meeting every month so I’d say on average it was about seven meetings a year. Being part of the current District Planning Commission was an informative and rewarding opportunity to be part of a team dedicated to providing thoughtful recommendations.”
Applicants who are interested in being a jointly appointed member on the P4G District Planning Commission are asked to submit an application form with two letters of reference no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 4, 2021. An online application form can be found at www.partnershipforgrowth.ca or by visiting one of the municipal offices. All applications will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur.
Please contact the Corman Park Office at 306-242-9303 or planning@rmcormanpark.ca if you have any questions regarding the application process or P4G Planning District.