The final steps in the creation of the Partnership for Growth (P4G) Planning District are now underway.
Corman Park Council gave first reading to a bylaw creating the P4G Planning District at a meeting on Monday, June 14.
Prior to voting on first reading of the bylaw, however, councillors passed an amendment to the bylaw to specifically exclude ‘Bed and Breakfast’ (B&B) facilities from operating in higher-density multi-parcel country residential subdivisions within the RM of Corman Park.
The amendment does not prohibit B&Bs in the municipality, but limits this type of business operation to less densely-populated areas.
Corman Park Reeve Judy Harwood said there is “overwhelming” concern among many residents of organized hamlets about short-term rental properties in their vicinity.
“This is our opportunity to get this right, before it comes into force,” said Harwood.
A public hearing on the bylaw is scheduled for an upcoming council meeting on Monday, August 16.
Second and third readings of the bylaw are also expected to be on the August 16 council agenda.
The P4G Planning District would replace the existing Corman Park-Saskatoon Planning District.
The P4G region includes the municipalities of Saskatoon, Corman Park, Warman, Martensville and Osler. All five municipalities adopted the P4G Planning District Official Community Plan (OCP) in 2020.
However, because all the land directly impacted by the P4G Planning District is within the RM of Corman Park, it is the only municipality required to pass the P4G Planning District Zoning Bylaw.
After it receives three readings by Corman Park Council, the P4G Planning District Zoning Bylaw, along with the P4G Planning District OCP and the P4G Planning District Agreement, will be sent on to the provincial government for final approval.