Corman Park Division 2 Councillor Michelle Chuhaniuk

The RM of Corman Park is encouraging ratepayers in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 south of Saskatoon to complete an online survey available until June 30 at

Twelve hundred (1200) notices were mailed out to ratepayers in early June.

The survey is targeting this area as it is densely populated with country residential subdivisions, there are pressures for more development and a broad range of challenges have been noted by ratepayers in the past.

Due to all of the activity in Corman Park, Council has been forward thinking by approving a work plan to prioritize studies, address servicing challenges and manage future growth.

The ratepayer survey is looking for feedback and input that will help inform future concept plans, bylaw amendments, and servicing strategies.

The RM is trying a new engagement strategy with the online survey, and is being proactive by reaching out to ratepayers to understand their concerns and what is important to them.

The South RM Survey has been identified as one of the immediate priorities. As there are a variety of topics in the survey, it is at Council’s discretion which policy areas they would like to pursue in the short term.

The survey is an initiative that is important to Council. Division 2 Councillor Michelle Chuhaniuk is anticipating good feedback from the survey.

“I am looking forward to the results of this ratepayer survey,” said Chuhaniuk. “This past year, especially, I have been in conversation with ratepayers who speak to the changing landscape in Division 2.

“These concerns can be quite conflicting in regards to density matters, re-subdivision, infrastructure concerns and the like. It leaves me feeling like I need to get more of the pulse of the community as, overall, it is a select few who consistently call.

“Being in this area tends to be favorable for development – both residential and commercial along highway corridors – it’s been quite problematic to mitigate these concerns,” added Chunankiuk.

“I need to hear the general voice of the people in regards to future change to R.M. policy, practice and bylaws.”

While the focus of this particular survey is the southern portion of Corman Park, there will be future studies and surveys that will target other areas of the RM.

Currently, there are ongoing planning studies including the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G), the North and South East Concept Plans, the South Saskatchewan River Flood Study and an upcoming review of the RM Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw.

For further information, you can find links on the Corman Park website or contact the R.M. planning department.

The Corman Park council and administration thank everyone for taking the time to complete the survey.