Seeding is underway in Saskatchewan, with nine per cent of the 2021 crop now in the ground.  This is ahead of the five-year average (2016-2020) of six per cent for this time of year.

An abnormally cool spring delayed field operations in many parts of the province, but producers have indicated that warmer daily temperatures have allowed for a big push to get seed into the ground.

The southwest region is leading the province, with 19 per cent of the crop seeded.  There is 11 per cent seeded in the southeast, six per cent seeded in the west-central, five percent seeded in the east-central, five per cent seeded in the northwest and two per cent seeded in the northeast.

Throughout the week of April 27 to May 3 light precipitation was reported in many areas of the province. The north-east region received the greatest amount of rainfall, with 22 mm reported in the Porcupine Plain area.  Other areas, including the east-central region, received precipitation in the form of snow and rain toward the end of the week that will help with the dry field and pasture conditions.

Topsoil moisture for cropland, hay and pasture is below normal levels in most areas of the province. Cropland topsoil moisture rated as one per cent surplus, 41 per cent adequate, 44 per cent short and 14 per cent very short.  Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as zero per cent surplus, 27 per cent adequate, 48 per cent short and 25 per cent very short.

There have been reports of winterkill on winter wheat, fall rye and other fall seeded crops; producers are busy assessing the damage and determining whether or not to reseed.

The recent warmer weather throughout parts of the province has allowed many producers to get into their fields and start seeding, spraying or applying fertilizer.