The Agriculture Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) is pleased the Government of Saskatchewan is investing in agricultural programming and in improving rural telecommunications.

In a news release issued April 6 shortly after the provincial government unveiled its 2021-22 budget, APAS President Todd Lewis said he welcomes increased investment by the province in agriculture and rural communitiies.

Lewis said the six per cent increase amounts to $386.9 million for the agriculture industry.

Lewis noted the government’s priorities for Agri-stability, irrigation development and research funding maintenance are positive for the agriculture industry.

Boosting rural connectivity is also welcome, according to Lewis.

“In SaskTel’s investment plan for 2021 $85.8 million is dedicated to Fibre to the x (FTTx) program, with $18.2 million going to the Rural Fibre Initiative,” said Lewis. “APAS sees this investment as a step forward in improving fast and more reliable internet access to rural areas.”

Last week, APAS released its findings from its Rural Connectivity Task Force. The final report outlines 43 recommendations to improve rural internet and cellular service in Saskatchewan.

“COVID really has been a shock to the economy, and agriculture is well poised to lead the recovery, and we will,” said Lewis. “In a year, hopefully, we will be the problem better financial position.”

Lewis saidfarmers across the province are playing their part in the province’s economic sustainability.

In 2020, Saskatchewan’s agriculture exports increased by 31 per cent from 2019, which amounts to $16.9 billion.

“I think if we get enough rainfall and this spring, no reason not to expect another record year of export,” Lewis said. “We’ve shipped record amounts of grain this year is the second-largest crop in history, and if the weather cooperates, we’ll certainly see that continue.”