Before the Saskatoon Youth Soccer indoor season was suspended due to COVID-19 guidelines, Valley United Soccer Club teams were playing very well.

The U15 Rovers team was having a successful season after picking up four wins and two ties.

The Rovers play in Division II, Pool 3, of the U15 girls league and what makes their recent success even more of an accomplishment is, the Rovers are a brand new team.

There are only three teams, including the Rovers, in that pool because of the mini-league guidelines.

The Valley United Soccer Club was excited to field an all girls team this season and by the results of their games, the team seems to be playing well.

The Rovers played three games against Hollandia and three games Aurora Horizon. The Rovers and Hollandia had some very close games with two of the matches resulting in a 1-1 tie and the only decision favoured the Rovers with a 1-0 win.

The U19 Fusion team also had a great start to the season by earning four wins and dropping one game, while picking up a tie.

The Fusion play in Pool 2 of the U19 boys division, as there are two other teams included in the group.

The majority of the Fusion’s wins were close games except for a 5-1 win over Hollandia Rtimi.

The Fusion’s last game right before the season was suspended was against Hollandia Rtimi. Even though the Hollandia team didn’t avenged it’s previous loss to the Fusion, the contest ended in a 2-2 tie.

The fall season was set to conclude December 18, so if team sporting events are able to start up again once the guidelines are reviewed on December 17, the season would have already been pretty much over.

There was already a winter season planned, which will not start earlier than January 14, only if games are allowed to be played.

This year has been really frustrating in general, but when it comes to playing organized sports it definitely has been a challenge.

All organizations including Valley United have done their best to offer soccer to its members during the pandemic.

Valley United had been running a soccer development program for the U13, U11 and U9 age groups. The training sessions were a great way for youth to work on their skills since they were not playing any games.

Those groups weren’t playing in the Saskatoon Youth Soccer Association’s indoor season because of COVID-19 restrictions. So Valley United Soccer Club decided to organize a skills development program so they could still participate in some soccer activity.