Four security cameras will be mounted at strategic locations near the Kyle Syrenne Skate Park and the North Ridge Centennial Community Centre in Martensville this fall.

Martensville City Council adopted a resolution at its meeting on Tuesday, September 1 to allocate a total of $13,000 to the project.

The installation of security cameras at the two civic-owned facilities was approved earlier this year as part of the city’s annual capital budget. However, the total amount budgeted for the project at that time was $10,000.

An additional $3,000 was deemed to be needed by city administration after quotes by potential contractors were received earlier this spring.

In a report to the city council meeting, Martensville Recreation and Community Services director Ted Schaeffer said the additional costs of the project are attributable to the need for directional drilling to the poles that will support the cameras.

“This method of installation is preferable to trenching lines through the asphalt parking lot at the North Ridge Centre and through landscaped areas of the skate park,” said Schaeffer.

The allocation of additional funds will allow the work to be completed in 2020 and provide increased security and supervision of the skate park and North Ridge Centre.

The cameras at the skate park are intended to have a live-stream feed. However, the recordings from the cameras at both the skate park and the  North Ridge Centre will not be available to the public. The footage captured by the cameras will be “restricted access” limited to police requests issued in the public interest.