According to the latest data from Statistics Canada, Saskatchewan ranks third among the provinces for housing starts in July 2024 compared to July 2023. These figures highlight the province’s thriving economic landscape and its commitment to fostering growth and development that works for everyone.

“Saskatchewan’s strong performance in housing starts reflects our ongoing commitment to drive economic growth across the province,” Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “This growth shows that our efforts to create a competitive and stable business environment, while attracting record new investment is paying off. The province is well positioned to capitalize on emerging opportunities into the future, ensuring Saskatchewan remains a great place to live, work and raise a family.

July 2024 saw housing starts increase significantly by 30.4 per cent compared to July 2023. This is paired with a substantial increase on single family dwellings of 39.5 per cent (from 86 units to 120 units), and multiple units increased by 28.3 per cent (from 378 units to 485 units), compared to July 2023.

Both of Saskatchewan’s major cities saw year over year gains with Regina seeing a very large gain of 317 per cent, and Saskatoon seeing a 23 per cent increase in July 2024 compared to July of 2023.

Housing starts refers to the number of housing projects that started that month.

The provincial economy continues to see substantial growth. Exports are experiencing significant growth, totaling over $94.4 billion for 2022 and 2023 combined. This is a 41.1 per cent increase from the previous two-year period of 2020-2021, which saw $66.9 billion in total exports. 

Statistics Canada’s latest GDP numbers also indicate that Saskatchewan’s 2023 real GDP reached an all-time high of $77.9 billion, increasing by $1.2 billion, or 1.6 per cent. This places Saskatchewan second in the nation for real GDP growth, and above the national average of 1.2 per cent. Private capital investment is projected to reach $14.2 billion in 2024, an increase of 14.4 per cent over 2023. This is the highest anticipated percentage increase in Canada.

Saskatchewan also saw the largest job gains in the nation over the last year and has the lowest unemployment rate in Canada.

The province has revealed “Securing the Next Decade of Growth: Saskatchewan’s Investment Attraction Strategy,” in conjunction with the launch of the website. These initiatives are positioned to amplify growth in Saskatchewan, serving as pivotal instruments in driving further development.