DOUBLE, DOUBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE… The Witches (left to right) Keira Isaac, Kyler Parker, and Charlie Lange recite their infamous song around a boiling cauldron in the WW Brown School drama production of Mmmmbeth on May 9 (Photo by Madison Doidge)

On Thursday, May 9, Langham’s Walter W. Brown School Senior Drama program held a town performance of their production Mmmbeth.

As all theatre enthusiasts know, it is bad luck for the cast and crew to say to “Macbeth” while performing the titular play, but certainly “Mmmbeth” must be OK?

This comedic twist on the classic Shakespearean play was a big hit for the 200+ audience members who were in attendance.

Our production received lots of laughs and a thunderous applause, which was much deserved after the hundreds of hours spent rehearsing and perfecting sets, props, and costumes.

This is WWB’s second year with our new drama program. Last year, our group won the Regional Festival in Melfort and was able to compete at the Provincial Drama Festival at the University of Regina.

Unfortunately, this year’s festivals were cancelled due to the impact of sanctions on extra-curricular events, but our group is hopeful that we’ll be back to compete at festivals again next year. We’d like to give a big thank you to everyone who came out to support this production!

The cast of the play included: Mmmbeth – Jake K, Lady Mmmbeth – Lauren P, Daphne – Kyler P, Doris – Kiera I, Twit – Charlie L, Macduff – Sam L, Banquo – Taylor B, Lady Duncan – Paige F, oldier 1 – Ben S, oldier 2 – Cooper B, Murderer 1 – Carson W, Murderer 2 – Kailee R, Hecate – Katie K, Doctor – Owen N, Gentlewoman – Carly S.

The production’s crew members were: Stage Manager: Madison D, Backstage Manager: Liz de B, Technical Director & Sound Operator: Brady W, Lighting Operator: Elena P

Set Design & General Crew: Larry N, Tyler W, Carson L, Max M, Hair & Makeup: Siena L-O.

The play directorsincluded: Rowland, Fry, Bill, Neale, Hoffman, Barteski, DeConinck.