CAA is kicking off its Bike Safety campaign during Bike Safety Week, May 12 to 18, offering safety advice for cyclists and motorists throughout the summer.

Before You Bike Safety Advice

  • Choose the best bicycle for you, consider size, frame, and seat height, as well as the type of roads or trails you ride on.
  • Make sure you have a properly fitting helmet. Follow the 2V1 rule. Your helmet should fit two fingers above your eyebrows, the straps should form a V under your ears, and one finger should fit between the strap and your chin. (courtesy of Sask. Prevention Institute)
  • Wear a helmet every time you ride your bike. It increases your chances of surviving a fall or collision and helps prevent brain injury.
  • Wear appropriate footwear like runners or specific cycling shoes and keep both feet on pedals.

CAA Rewards® partner, Bruce’s Cycle Works offers some sound advice.

Let’s Share the Road Safely

Road safety depends on the cooperation of drivers and cyclists. They are often seen at odds, but the truth is, we’re all at our best when we’re following the rules of the road. Drivers and cyclists both need space, so let’s all share the road safely.

  • Bicycles are considered – by law – a vehicle on the road and cyclists must obey the same rules when travelling on the road.
  • If you dismount and walk alongside your bike, you are considered a pedestrian and have the same rights as a pedestrian.
  • Keep both hands on the handlebars, except when making hand signals.
  • Never carry more people than the bike was designed for and ride in a single file.
  • Teach your kids the rules of the road and always ride on the right in the same direction as traffic.
  • Download the CAA Bike Safety Road Test for safe cycling tips and advice for families.
  • You can use your CAA membership if you get stranded with a flat tire or a broken chain on your bicycle. CAA Roadside Assistance will transport you and your bike to your required destination through our Bike Assist service.
  • Be aware of your surroundings, stay alert, and avoid distractions. Never ride your bicycle while wearing headphones.

  Here’s CAA’s Share the Road videos to help drivers and cyclists understand the importance of sharing the road safely. #SharetheRoad

Safety Advice for Motorists

  • Leave at least one metre of space between you and cyclists.
  • Use your turn signals to indicate your intentions. Always obey traffic signals and signs.
  • Shoulder check, check your mirrors and blind spots before turning, changing lanes, passing, or merging.
  • When parked on the street, don’t open your door into traffic. Instead, do the Dutch Reach and check your blind spot first. Drivers and passengers, if you open the car door with your hand furthest from the door, it naturally turns your body to look for cyclists before slowly exiting the vehicle.

  Here’s how to do the Dutch Reach                        Give Cyclists Adequate Space

Avid cyclist, Sarah Bilawski, shares some bike safety advice, and her favourite Saskatchewan bike trails on the CAA Saskatchewan blog: Pedal with Confidence: Bike Safety Advice from the Experts.

Learn more, visit