Fire bans were implemented in early August in two rural municipalities in the Saskatoon region in response to extremely dry conditions.

The RM of Vanscoy put a fire ban in place on Tuesday, August 1, while the RM of Corman Park imposed a fire ban on Friday, August 4.

The RM of Vanscoy’s municipal order includes a complete ban on all outdoor fires, including burning barrels, incinerators, fire pits, campfires, fireworks of any type and Chinese lanterns.

The RM of Corman Park municipal fire ban includes a prohibition on all outdoor fires “larger than 0.5 meters” including burning barrels, controlled burns and fireworks. However, the Corman Park fire ban does include certain exceptions, including: “small campfires less than 0.5 meters in size, internal household fireplaces, and gas-fueled equipment such as a propane barbecue or propane fire pit.”

Residents and landowners in the RMs of Vanscoy and Corman Park are advised to check the municipalities’ websites for updates on the fire bans.