A series of public open houses this month offers Corman Park residents an opportunity to provide input on the municipality’s long-term vision and planning requirements.
Langham and Osler hosted Corman Park Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw open houses this week. Two additional open houses are slated for the Corman Park municipal office in Saskatoon on August 22 and 23, with a fifth event scheduled for the South Corman Park area in early fall.
According to the muncipality’s website, the comprehensive review is aimed at updating the OCP and zoning bylaw to ensure both reflect emerging market trends and align with provincial legislation and best planning practices.
A municipal OCP outlines objectives and policies related to land use, transportation, culture, utilities and recreation.
A municipality’s Zoning Bylaw is a regulatory document that implements the municipal OCP.
The Zoning Bylaw divides a municipality into zoning districts and lays out standards regulating subdivision, land use and development within each zoning district.
The current review involves land within the RM of Corman Park that lies outside the Partnership for Growth (P4G) Planning District boundaries. Corman Park planners are seeking input from landowners, tenants and other stakeholders to ensure the OCP goals and policies effectively reflect the concerns and desires of the community for the future.
The review is also aimed at ensuring that the language within the document is straightforward and clear, in order to prevent ambiguity and confusion regarding regulations.
Additional information on the OCP and Zoning Bylaw review process is available online at the RM of Corman Park website