Nor-Sask Board Services will be handling District Board of Revision services for the cities of Warman and Martensville.

Motions were passed at the Warman City Council meeting on Monday, February 14 and Martensville City Council on Tuesday, February 15, to contract with Nor Sask Board Services as the service provider for 2022.

Nor Sask Board Services is a firm comprised of retired assessors based out of Saskatoon and Warman, with the firm’s secretary residing in Prince Albert. They focus their service on central and northern Saskatchewan municipalities.

The cities are required by provincial law to appoint a representative to serve as their Board of Revision every year. The services are required to handle any appeals relating to property assessments.

Warman has been using Nor Sask Services as its Board of Revisions for the 2019, 2020 and 2021 years. The motion passed at the February 14 Warman Council meeting renewed the contract for another year.

Martensville has previously contracted with Krismer & Associates. However, that firm indicated it would no longer be offering services.