A city worker clears away snow in the parking lot of the North Ridge Centennial Community Centre in Martensville in early January

The heavy snowfall that hit Martensville in early January kept public works crews busy over the past couple weeks.

In a report to the Martensville City Council meeting Tuesday, January 18, the city’s infrastructure and planning department noted that all streets were bladed and snow is being picked up and hauled out of town.

“By January 14, all Priority 1 and 2 streets have been cleared and hauled away,” stated the report. “Priority 3 streets will start the week of January 17.

“By mid-February all streets will be cleared and hauled away as long as we do not receive a large amount of snow before then.”

The administration report  pointed out that snow was not removed from in front of residential driveways as usual during the recent snow-clearing effort.

“This was not done intentionally or by operator error,” stated hte report. “The snow gate on the grader can only carry so much snow, and it simply overflowed and created this issue.”

City crews have since been back in those problem areas with a skid-steer to clean up the snow piles.

On another front, the city’s public works department noted that while freezing water lines have not become an issue yet, workers have been monitoring frost levels and turning on drip lines in residences of concern.

“Because these drip lines are very costly to the city to have one, we do our best to only turn them on when we need to,” stated the report.

In addition, progress is being made with Neptune Technology Group on the water meter replacement project. The initial steps involve the city providing Neptune with some water meter records as well as facilitating a survey during the week of January 17 to identify placement of data collection devices around Martensville.

The Martensville Recreation and Community Services department indicated in a separate report to the January 18 city council meeting that plans are underway for the annual Winter FunFest slated for Monday, February 21. Indoor and outdoor activities scheduled so far include children’s inflatables, crafts, sleigh rides,  ice sculpting, showshoeing, skating, curling and an outdoor fire.

Pathway lighting along 10th Avenue is in its final stages of preparation. The lights should be ready to be turned on the last week of January or first week of February.