(Back row): RM of Corman Park Councillor Bas Froese-Kooijenga, Hamlet of Neuhorst board member Carol Friesen, and board chair Shaun May, along with (Front row) RM of Corman Park Reeve Judy Harwood and Hamlet of Neuhorst board vice-chair Dave Bueckert gather for a photo in front of the new playground equipment

The Hamlet of Neuhorst celebrated its new playground and the revitalization of its park with a community BBQ.

The new playground equipment was installed at the park a month ago and the community BBQ on September 18 was a great way to celebrate the new equipment.

This was quite the project for the small community as it cost nearly $85,000, according to Shaun May, Hamlet of Neuhorst board chair.
“With the help of the RM (of Corman Park) we were able to secure the funds we needed, plus fundraising,” said May.

A few years ago, May said the hamlet just wanted to improve the park which led to doing some research in what it would cost for playground equipment and have it installed in the park. A park commitee was formed consiting of members Marg Doell, Brandon Holmes, Jeff Friesen, and Nathan Ruff along with Dave Bueckert who is the vice chair for the board of Neuhorst.

May believes this playground is a great investment for the community as it can be enjoyed for many generations.

“Kids hopefully will have this (playground) in to their adult lives,” he said. “They’ll come out here and have memories and that is what’s amazing.”

The new playground was a long time coming for the community because some of the existing equipment is over 40 years old and this is something that will attract more people to the park.

“We needed something that was going to take the park to the next level for our community. Like I said, there is more choice, more things for the kids and this will last,” said May.

When fundraising for this project, May said the community was really supportive in this initiative.

“We would have BBQs people would come out to, and they were paying ridiculously high prices for burgers to give us cash, just donating and what not; and it was lovely that everyone was helping out,” said May.

With the addition of the playground, May said that more people are coming out to the park.

According to May, there are going to be more upgrades to the park, including a path that leads to the playground. That path will make it easier for people in wheelchairs to access the playground area.

“We have a few community members who have mobility issues and we want to increase their access for when their grandchildren are down here,” said May. “We’re going to have a nice path for them so they can spend time with their grandchildren here.”

The BBQ the community had to celebrate the revitalization of the park was also a great way for the “tight-knit” residents to come together because they haven’t had many gatherings during the pandemic.”

“It was a chance for the community to come together and see each other again and be the kind of family that this community is, and that’s what this was about,” said May

May is very excited about the completion of the playground and he said all the children in the community are enjoying so far.

Austin Donaldson climbs up the new playground equipment