The RCMP announced on Wednesday, March 31 that they are now actively participating in The Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol Act (Clare’s Law).
Accoroding to the provincial government, the RCMP’s participation will greatly expand the coverage of Clare’s Law.
Clare’s Law legislation authorizes police to disclose if an applicant’s intimate partner engaged in violent or abusive past conduct and if the applicant’s safety is at risk. Under certain circumstances, concerned family members may also access Clare’s Law.
Saskatchewan residents have had the ability to access Clare’s Law through municipal police services since 2020. With this regulatory change, citizens can now do the same at their local RCMP detachment.
“The RCMP’s participation in Clare’s Law is a significant step forward in our efforts to prevent interpersonal violence,” Justice Minister and Attorney General Gordon Wyant said. “This change will ensure that everyone in Saskatchewan can take advantage of this legislation and the protection it offers right in their home community.”
Saskatchewan was the first Canadian province to adopt Clare’s Law.
Alberta announced on March 30 that it is implementing similar legislation on April 1. Newfoundland and Labrador have also introduced Clare’s Law legislation.
“I am greatly encouraged that Alberta has announced the implementation of Clare’s Law,” Wyant said. “I encourage all other provinces to take this step to ensure that all Canadians are able to access the information they need to protect themselves and their loved ones from interpersonal violence.”
In 2020-21, the Ministries of Justice and Attorney General and Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, provided more than $21.5 million to support prevention and intervention services. This includes funding for domestic violence transition houses, sexual assault centres and family outreach services.