Prairie Spirit School Division (PSSD) schools are dividing their student population into two ‘cohorts’ or groups, with two separate start dates in an effort to iron out the wrinkles before all students return to class September 14.
According to a letter from PSSD Director of Education Lori Jeschke sent to parents of students within the school division on Monday, August 24, the plan involves a “soft start” for the week of September 8-11 in all PSSD schools.
The plan has been approved by the Ministry of Education and the local Medical Health Officer.
Under the PSSD proposal, the first cohort will attend school on Tuesday, September 8 and Thursday, September 10.
The second cohort will attend on Wednesday, September 9 and Friday, September 11.
In her letter to parents, Jeschke states: “Starting with smaller groups of students will give our students and staff the opportunity to: practice new routines in classrooms, hallways, playgrounds and buses; establish patterns of movement within the school; and provide opportunities to acknowledge and support a variety of emotions.”
The PSSD letter states that each school will determine locally what their ‘soft start’ will look like. Schools will communicate the cohort information to families with a commitment to keep family members within the same cohort.
All students will attend school starting on Monday, September 14, according to the PSSD letter.
Each PSSD school will post their return to school plan on their school website and share their plan with their families on Wednesday, August 26. Parents are encouraged to contact the school if they have questions.
“We will continue to communicate with our families in Prairie Spirit School Division at least once a week,” stated Jeschke in her letter. “In addition, you will be receiving regular updates from your school.
“We are working hard to create a safe and smooth transition back to school and we will do that with care and creativity – together.”
According to the PSSD, the week of August 24 will see teacher preparation time and school-level planning.