Warman property owners will see their property taxes increase by an average of 1.5 per cent this year after Warman City Council adopted a revised 2020 civic operating budget at its May 25 video-conference meeting.

That’s about half what was originally planned.

The 2020 budget initially approved by city council in late December projected a 2.9% average property tax hike.

But the COVID-19 pandemic threw that plan off the rails. Council directed city administration in early May to amend the civic operating budget to reduce the property tax increase to 1.5%. To accomplish this reduction, council and administration held a special meeting on May 21. At that meeting, it was felt that amendments to the 2020 reserve transfers were needed.

A decision was made to reduce the amounts transferred to three reserve funds in 2020.

The Fire Reserve transfer was reduced by $58,864. Originally the reserve was slated to receive a transfer of  $138,864; that was amended to $80,000.

The Aquatic Reserve transfer was reduced by $25,000. Originally the targeted transfer was $100,000; that was amended to $75,000.

The Regional RCMP reserve was reduced by $70,000. Originally the reserve was to receive a transfer of $150,000; that was amended to $80,000.

At its May 25 meeting, city council approved a 2020 mill rate of 5.74 to achieve the result of the 1.5 per cent tax increase.

Under the tax bylaw passed at the May 25 meeting, a residential home assessed at $550,000 in Warman will see a monthly increase in municipal property taxes of $3.42.

Residential properties that are assessed at a higher value will see their monthly tax payment go up slightly more, while those with lower assessed property values will see a slightly lower jump in their monthly tax bill.

City council also endorsed a resolution to postpone the property tax due date deadline from August 31 to October 31 for the current tax levy.

Shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were implemented by the province back in March, the city moved to postpone enforcement on utility accounts.