The Government of Saskatchewan has joined provinces across Canada, and Spinal Cord Injury Saskatchewan (SCI Sask), in proclaiming May 26 to June 1, 2024, as National AccessAbility Week.

National AccessAbility Week is dedicated to celebrating the contributions and leadership of Canadians living with disabilities. It is also focused on promoting efforts to increase inclusion and remove barriers to accessibility across the country.

“Our government remains committed to the principle of ‘Nothing about us, without us’ as we move forward with implementation of The Accessible Saskatchewan Act,” Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky said. “To support this work, we recently established the Accessibility Advisory Committee, composed primarily of persons with disabilities. This committee provides advice to government on accessibility standards and other related matters, with a goal of improving accessibility in the province.”

SCI Sask has supported individuals living with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities since 1964. Through advocacy, education and community engagement, SCI Sask continues to promote accessibility and inclusion and to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.

“SCI Sask embodies the theme of NAAW 2024 of ‘Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All’,” SCI Sask Executive Director Launel Scott said. “Through the SCI Sask Accessibility Strategy, our organization actively promotes significant and innovative contributions of persons living with disabilities, and the accomplishments of people who proactively identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility to enhance inclusion in their communities and workplaces. Through our collective endeavors with the SK Ministry of Social Services, we strive to reduce systemic barriers, and enhance the environment for all persons living with disabilities.”

The Government of Saskatchewan recently conducted a public accessibility survey. The results will help guide the development of the Government’s first Accessibility Plan, which will be publicly posted by December 3, 2024. The plan will include actions to remove and prevent accessibility barriers that persons with disabilities experience when using government facilities, programs, and services.

To keep up to date with the progress of Saskatchewan’s accessibility legislation, please visit

For more information about the supports and services that SCI Sask provides, please visit