While a verbal agreement had been in place for several weeks, Loraas has finalized an agreement to accept organic waste materials at its facility north of Saskatoon in the RM of Corman Park. This latest move is part of the contingency plan that was pre-set in the green cart contract the City has with Green Prairie Environmental (GPE).

Activating the pre-set contingency plan became necessary following the April 24 RM Council decision to deny the discretionary use application for GPE’s property in Corman Park where it already operates a landfill.

“The City of Saskatoon has now finalized the contingency plan for green cart processing. Organics materials will be hauled to Loraas for processing on an interim basis as we continue to work with GPE to confirm alternate plans to fulfill their requirements under the contract,” said  Angela Gardiner, General Manager of Utilities & Environment for the City of Saskatoon. “Residents should know that any extra cost of the contingency plan will be carried by GPE and not the City. Green cart collections will begin Monday as planned.”

Facts about the green cart collection and processing contract:

* Following a public procurement, the City of Saskatoon awarded a contract to GPE in September 2020 to provide organics processing services to support the City’s Curbside Organics Program.

* Under the terms of the contract, GPE must be ready to receive materials on May 1, 2023.

* It is the City of Saskatoon Administration’s understanding that GPE believed its property – where it planned to process the organic waste – was already within the approved RM zoning because GPE already operates a landfill for solid waste and has for the past nine years at that location south of Saskatoon in the RM of Corman Park.

* The green cart project and contract were progressing for the May 1 start date and it was not until GPE applied to the RM for a routine building permit for its permanent facility (a coverall building) earlier this year that the question of discretionary use arose. The RM administration recommended allowing the discretionary use.

* With the RM Council’s decision to deny GPE’s discretionary use application, the City of Saskatoon has an agreement with Loraas to accept and process organics materials on an interim basis starting on Monday, May 1, while discussions progress with GPE on an alternate plan to fulfill their requirements under the contract.

* With the materials going to Loraas, there is no change to the type of materials that will be accepted and therefore, this plan is still in alignment to meet the City of Saskatoon’s waste diversion targets.

* Saskatoon residents should know that any extra cost of the interim contingency plan will be carried by GPE and not the City of Saskatoon.

* The City of Saskatoon continues to prepare for the launch of the program next week and collections will not be affected by this RM Council decision.

* All eligible households will have their green carts by the end of this week.

Saskatoon city-wide green cart collection will begin next Monday, May 1 for every household that has rollout garbage and recycling carts. Green cart collection will alternate biweekly with black cart collection, so be sure to check your collection calendar. Saskatoon residents can find more information on the green cart program at saskatoon.ca/greencart.