Winter driving safety begins even before you leave the driveway.
Don’t be that igloo on wheels.
Clear ice and snow from all exterior windows and mirrors before you start your trip.
Your AC is also a dehumidifier—use it to clear foggy windows for better visibility.
Roadway speed limits are set for ideal driving conditions so please take into consideration snow packed or icy surfaces when operating in winter. Reduce your speed and allow some extra time tio get where you are headed safely!!
On January 1 at 9:40 a.m. Corman Park Police Service (CPPS) officers executed a traffic stop at the intersection of Township Road (TWP) 400 and Highway 12 on a blue Honda Civic. The driver of the vehicle was found to be wanted out of Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) on an outstanding warrant for driving while suspended and Fail To Appear. During this interaction police noted signs of cannabis impairment and when questioned, the driver admitted to consuming cannabis within the previous five hours. He provided a sample of oral fluid resulting in a positive reading for THC. The driver was subsequently issued a 60-day driver’s license (DL) suspension and a three-day vehicle impound, along with a citation for failing to comply with his licence restriction of zero tolerance for alcohol or drugs. He was released to attend Traffic Court in Saskatoon to answer to the charges.
On January 8 at 11:477 a.m., on Highway 16 just north of TWP 374 CPPS police were flagged down by a civilian of a suspicious male walking in the north ditch of Highway 16. Upon seeing the police vehicle, subject began to run and was subsequently apprehended. A CPIC check revealed he was wanted out of the Wynyard RCMP for theft of motor vehicle and Fail to Appear, as well as a warrant out of Battleford RCMP for breach of probation. The subject was placed under arrest and transported to the Saskatoon RCMP to be held for court in the morning.
On January 6 at 6:42 p.m., CPPS police were alerted to a suspicious vehicle that had an older male slumped over the steering wheel at Range Road (RR) 3083 & TWP 380. The accused stated that he was on his way home from a friend’s where he admitted to beverage alcohol consumption. Police administered an approved screening device, and the accused provided a sample of breath that resulted in a FAIL. The accused was arrested and transported to Martensville RCMP detachment where he provided samples of breath which resulted in readings of 190 mg%, twice. The accused was charged with impaired driving and exceeding 80 mg% with a February court date pending.