Saskatchewan continues to progress through Phase 4 of the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan.  Additional activities and businesses are being reopened in a measured, careful manner as part of the plan to re-open the provincial economy.

Starting July 21, modifications come into effect for:
•       Drive-in theatres: reducing distance between vehicles to two metres, down from five metres.
•       Retail guidelines, libraries and places of worship: reducing the length of time that returned or donated items must be held to 24 hours, down from 72 hours.
•       Fitness facilities: permitting 24-hour access to fitness facilities, and ensuring registration of guests to facilitate contact tracing, if required.
•       Campgrounds: laundry facilities are now able to open following new guidelines for safe operation.

Also on July 21, the following activities will be reopened, with operating guidelines outlined in the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan:

Yard and Garage Sales
All individuals must observe gathering sizes outlined in the current Public Health Order and ensure that physical distancing can be maintained.  Guidelines include heightened sanitation, signage that encourages distancing, and advice around payment options.  Sales must be held by a single household—group events are not permitted at this time.


Door-to-door Canvassing and Sales
Physical distancing is to be maintained when visiting a residence and between volunteers/staff.  Guidelines include frequent hand hygiene and no sharing of common materials including pens, pencils and promotional materials.

Saskatchewan residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guidelines and follow recommendations to ensure the province can continue to re-open in a safe manner without a significant increase in the transmission of COVID-19.

For full guidelines on new and existing permissible activities, find the most up-to-date version of the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan at