Highways Minister Lori Carr is reminding motorists to slow to 60 km/h in work zones as Victoria Day long weekend gets closer and road crews get busier across Saskatchewan.

“As this construction season kicks off, it is an important reminder that we all need to do our part and drive safe,” Carr said. “Please be alert and slow down to ensure everyone working to improve our highways gets home safely each and every day.”

Work zones are meant to keep motorists, highway workers and road contractors safe. This can be accomplished when drivers slow down, obey flaggers, follow signs and remain alert to road conditions.

These work zones can also have temporary speed reductions, even when workers are not present. Speed reductions protect drivers and vehicles from potential work zone hazards such as a sharp pavement drop-off, lane closure and/or loose gravel.

To help keep work zones top of mind, a new safety ad will soon debut with the slogan, “Steer Them to Safety.” The ad encourages all motorists to slow down in work zones and for seasoned drivers to instill that important safety habit in younger drivers.

Motorists can also plan their journeys and know if they might need extra time to reach their destinations by checking the Highway Hotline at www.saskatchewan.ca/highwayhotline for information about road closures and conditions, construction zones, ferries and border crossings.

The Highway Hotline has multiple access points for this information, such as: an interactive website, mobile app and a 5-1-1 automated system for telephones.

The Ministry of Highways has a budget of $741 million that will improve more than 1,100 km of provincial roads. Since 2008, the Government of Saskatchewan has invested more than $13 billion in transportation infrastructure to improve more than 20,700 km of highways across the province.