Ratepayers in the RM of Corman Park will have to pony up a little more in taxes this year. The RM of Corman Park council passed its 2024 municipal budget at a meeting on Monday, January 22. The budget includes a 4.9% increase in the amount of revenue generated from the municipal portion of property taxes.

The tax hike translates into an increase of about $7.12 per month, or $85.41 per year for the average residential property in Corman Park, according to the RM administration.

Corman Park Reeve Judy Harwood said the budget represents a “balancing act” between income and expenses. High inflation in the past year has added sharply to costs.

“We wanted to keep the tax increase under five per cent,” said Harwood. “I don’t think it’s out of line.”

Harwood said the RM is deferring some capital projects that were in the preliminary budget until 2025, and is trimming operating expenses as much as possible. She added councillors are leading by example by holding the line on per diems.

Harwood said the growth in the RM means four additional staff members in key positions are necessary to handle the increasing workload.

“We need to remember we still need enough dollars to run the municipality,” she added. “We can’t cut too many services, and roads are critical, so we need to maintain and improve the road network.”

The RM 2024 balanced budget includes $23.4 million in total revenue and $22.8 million in total expenses, with a surplus of $81,383 to be put into reserves.