Snowmobilers out on the trail during the 2020 Laird Arena Snowmobile Rally. The annual event was first held in 1995. It attracts riders from across the province and raises money for the community’s arena. This year the rally is slated for Saturday, February 18 (Photo by Josh Dueck)

Enjoy the snow, but if you’re driving a motorized sled, stick to the trails outside city limits.

Urban parks in Warman and Martensville sustain significant costs in snowmobile-related damage every winter.

Warman Recreation and Community Services Manager Paul McGonigal said the actual amount of damage is difficult to determine until the snow melts in a few weeks.

“We do feel that there is going to be damage to some newly planted trees and shrubs in the east end of Linda Shaefer Park,” said McGonigal. “We may also have some damage to vegetation in Neil Wagner Park and Traditions Park, but it will be spring before we see what, if any, has been done.”

Martensville Recreation and Community Services Director Ted Schaeffer said while reports of people snowmobiling in parks does not appear to be as prevalent this year, incidents are still occurring.

“Thus far it has not resulted in any damage,” said Schaeffer. “But, as always, we encourage sledders to follow the bylaw.”

While snowmobiles are legal within city limits in both Warman and Martensville, there are restrictions on their operation. They can only be driven at low speed, and only using the most direct route out of town.

Both cities have bylaws prohibiting the use of snowmobiles in parks and green spaces within municipal limits, with violators subject to fines ranging from $60 to $1,000.

The Warman Snowmobile Bylaw was passed in 2014; and the Martensville Snowmobile Bylaw was adopted in 2015. The bylaws are posted online at and .

In Warman, sleds can only be operated between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. and may not exceed a maximum of 20 kilometers per hour. The only legal snowmobile use on Central Street, 6th Avenue South, Centennial Boulevard and Clubhouse Boulevard is to cross using the most direct route. Snowmobile operators may use any other roadway within the city that is the most direct route from their residence to the city limits.

The minimum fine for an offence under the Warman Snowmobile Bylaw is $100, while the maximum fine is $1,000.

A well-maintained and clearly-marked snowmobile trail adjacent to Highway 11 passes through Warman’s eastern city limit.

The Martensville Snowmobile Bylaw also stipulates a top speed of 20 kilometers per hour for sleds within city limits, and between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Operators must use the most direct route out of town. Snowmobiles are not allowed to operate on Centennial Drive or Main Street, except to cross those streets.

The bylaw does allow snowmobilers to “enter city limits off the Highway 12 right-of-way and cross Centennial Drive for the purpose of obtaining fuel.”

However, sledders must come to a complete stop before crossing Highway 12, and must take the most direct route across the highway.

The minimum fine for violators in Martensville is $60 and the maximum is $200.


In addition to municipal bylaws, snowmobilers are obliged to follow the provincial Snowmobile Act, which requires them to register their sled before riding it on public roads (where allowed), ditches, other highway rights-of-way, provincial parks, crown land, designated snowmobile trails or on rivers or lakes. The cost of registration is $110 per sled per year.

Registration isn’t required to drive snowmobiles on privately-owned land if you have permission from the landowner or tenant.

Out-of-province snowmobiles must carry valid registration and insurance as per the laws inside their home province or state.

All Saskatchewan snowmobile registration fees collected by SGI go in to the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Fund, administered by the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association (SSA). More than 80% of the registration fee goes to local snowmobile clubs to help maintain the province’s trail system.

According to the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association (, there are over 11,000 kilometers of groomed snowmobile trails across the province, maintained by volunteer members of 65 snowmobile clubs.

A number of events hosted by various clubs are held across the province every winter. The Laird Arena Snowmobile Rally is one of the most popular in this region. Established in 1995, the rally winds through the picturesque North Saskatchewan River valley. This year’s event is slated for Saturday, February 18.